I DID IT! My new website is up and I am so excited! I don’t think I really knew how many little details would be involved, but I have had an incredible year with editorial coverage and one of my homes about to be featured on the Holiday Home tour in the Palisades. So, I just thought it was time to step it up.
That said, I thought you would enjoy some “behind the scenes” images from the photo shoot of some of my projects for this site. The terrific architectural photographer Grey Crawford made magic happen and the days were – yes – stressful for me since I’m such a perfectionist, but also wonderfully creative, collaborative and exciting.
Here, Grey is trying to show me the composition of the image and I am worrying about whether a petal on one of the flowers in the background is too bright. Well…
I love this pool table area and that angle just didn’t make the cut from that day’s shoot, so now here it is. This light fixture – non-tradtional for over a pool table – just makes me so happy – and fortunately, it makes the clients happy, too!
Like it or not, technology can be our friend. (And to be honest, I struggle with a LOT of it.) When I look at my work through the lens of a camera, it’s amazing how much shuuzing (a word you will be seeing on my blog often) goes by the wayside. Cameras like simplicity, I learned.
I am blessed to have wonderful clients who have opened their homes to me and I do not take for granted that I am creating their private spaces. In fact, I’m honored. And honored to start sharing those interiors here. So many wonderful little tricks and anecdotes pop up along the way, that blogging is where all that extra creativity is going to have to flow!
More soon!
This is my Brownie, who I think may become my blog’s mascot – what do you think??
Send comments and let me know!
Yay Brownie!!
What a wonderful website. I want to live in everyone of those rooms. Bravo for elegant, comfortable and beautiful. Continued success to you and your team.
Looks Great! Wow!
Dayna Katlin, A HUGE congrats to you for your new website and all your hard work. Due to the fact that you have AMAZING taste, I will go with Brownie
Absolutely love the new website! Congratulations, you have a fantastic eye, and a creative edge. Truly wonderful.
The site is great! It’s simple and elegant and reflective of the way your interiors are! Congrats. And I love the peek behind the scenes. As for Brownie – when is a brownie not the solution to any question?
Brownie is a great choice for your mascot! Your website is awesome and I am looking forward to all your adventures in design….Stay tuned everyone! I am hoping I can learn as I struggle with my massive remodel here in Hawaii!
Well i’ll be darn! Whoo hoo
I vote yes for Brownie as your mascot! Your new website is terrific.